Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A new start

Here's where the story continues. After my 20s came to a rather traumatic conclusion it felt right more than ever to draw a line under the Twentysomething blog. Thanks to everybody who visited, commented and generally joined in the fun as well as keeping me going through the dark times over the last four years (was it really that long?). And welcome to Zuzula's new pad!

I'm back at work now - I realised after mum tried to buy the weekend papers on Wednesday morning last week that it was time to get a grip on reality again. And so far, so good. It's helping me to have a routine again. Although Day One was totally exhausting. By 4pm I was on my knees, for all the wrong reasons. Thankfully I'm off again next week - Monte Cristo and I had been planning a mini break in Cornwall and now I want to go more than ever. We're staying in a four poster bedroom in a gorgeous olde worlde inn in a tiny fishing village. Bliss - and a sure sign that I really am getting old. Time was when a good holiday meant a package deal to Tenerife where lethal looking cocktails cost 50p and are 2 for the price of 1.

I've noticed that in the last week or so I can't do enough of everything that simply reminds me that I'm alive: eating, drinking, running around, sleeping and, yes, having lots of sex. Thank God I have the opportunity right now. Otherwise I'd be climbing the walls I think. Strange isn't it?


Mother said...

woohoo! first on the new blog, and welcome back Z.

zuzula said...

thank you hon. and welcome!

Lucy said...

Hello hello ... and I'm seeing the real you tonight. Hurrah! xx

Mrs Pop said...

I've never uttered these two things together before...

My deepest condolences.
Happy Birthday.

Welcome to your 30s. And welcome back to blogging. Hang in there, my blogger friend.

zuzula said...

Confuddled - am really looking forward to seeing you!

Ellen - thank you. for both. I feel like I'm leading 2 parallel lives right now. One is getting on with things, the other is stuck in time 2 weeks ago...

Peas on Toast said...

Hello my dear!
Well done on the new site, fantastic stuff!
And glad to hear you're holding up, still thinking of you lots, and looking forward to your new era of sex and thirtysomething's. :)

zuzula said...

hello hon thanks! maybe this is the decade that you and I will finally meet in the flesh... :)

Lucy said...

Ps on the getting old thing. I found myself talking to a 13 year old cousin recently and before I realised it the following devastating words escaped my mouth ... "I remember holding you as a baby". Argh just how old did THAT make me feel??!!

Revolving Credit said...

If your 30s are being ushered in with a bounty of food, wine and sex; may it be a good omen of things to come.

Sounds like time to breakout the Revolvo Toys for Couples again!

Chin up sweets and embrace life.

george said...

Welcome back Darlin, we have missed your journeys, I have to say though, although 4 poster beds are looking good, don't say goodbye to the 2 for the price of 1 at Tenerife, trust me, you seem to consume better quality and more of it????? I don't know how that happens, it just does!

SheBee said...

Welcome back Zuzula.

I hope this one benefits you as much as the last.

serendipity said...

So so glad you decided not to give up the blog. x

Tiny Tones said...

There's nothing quite like a geographical to make everything shiny and exciting again, so hurrah for the new cyber pad! Glad you're back, Zu. I've really missed you! *as a single tear slowly drips in a most poignant fashion down one cheek*

ChewTheCud said...

Keep on keeping on ;)

fake adult said...

hurrah for new blog!

havemycake said...

can't think of anything clever to say (though i'm glad you still can!!!), so "welcome back" will have to suffice :)