Monday, March 17, 2008

you must remember this...

The secret to a happy life, said journalist Katharine Whitehorn, is a selective memory. Katharine Whitehorn is a heroine of mine, not least because she's a razor sharp octagenarian who spends her days sipping gin by the fire and being agony aunt for Saga magazine. If that is my future, bring it on.

Oh how I wish I had a selective memory of Friday night, so that I could forget screaming blue murder at MC for a badly phrased drunken line about me needing to go home - splitting up with him at least 8 or 9 times on the way back to my flat before throwing him a duvet (for the sofa) and ordering him to see himself out in the morning. We're still together - despite my best efforts. I was a psychodrunk on friday - a walking advert for the perils of binge boozing. I adore the guy, why do I treat him so badly sometimes?

However I wish I had a rather less selective memory of the gibberish I write here, so that when on Friday morning I finally buckled and sent the link to MC, he wouldn't have had the dubious pleasure of reading the innards of our entire relationship as seen by me. I really am my own worst enemy.

9 comments: said...

Some of us just aren't used to being in blissfully happy relationships - so when we are, we're freaked out, outside our comfort zone and react in strange ways sometimes.

Personally, I'd hate to be 80 and still have to solve people's problems!

Mrs Pop said...

Ahh... Psychocrazydrunk. Been there. Nearly lost the guy who is now my husband. Over the absolute tiniest thing that I cannot remember it now.

I wouldn't worry about giving him the link to your blog.

The Blonde Blogshell said...

Gosh yes! I'm the pschocrazyPMSgal.

I treat him like total shit. I sometimes wonder why he puts up with it each month. I really try to be normal too...but for some reason my body and hormones win every time!

Don't feel too happens to the best!

zuzula said...

AW - ah, but i'm so nosy, it's the perfect job for me ;)

Mrs Pop and BB - sounds like we all do it from time to time! It's awful. I feel so terrible. It's like there's Nice Zuzula and Evil Zuzula and sometimes I just can't control them...

Mrs Pop said...

I've gotta tell ya, there's a Nice Mrs Pop and an Evil One. For the longest time, before saying something particularly nasty, I'd tell myself that by saying it, I'd start a war.

Then I'd say it.

I've been listening more to that voice/conscience/angel of late and it makes a HUGE difference!

Then of course, I type a major rant or diatribe on my blog and hit "save" instead of "publish." ;-)

george said...

Don't worry Love, he'll get used to the belligerent you when you're pissed, I let my little piss head know when I've had enough now and go home, then get a bit distressed when he hasn't come home after a further 24hours on the turps and berate myself for not bringing him home with me. There really is not easy way around this one, you are as you are and he wouldn't love you if you weren't!

shitfaced said...

I never do that. Not that I can remember anyway (kind of like logins)

Hello MC!

zuzula said...

(Doing this from blackberry and not sure it will work - if it doesn't register it's zuzula here)

Silverfox - yup, I certainly understand the desire to carry on partying long after I should!

Shitfaced - I remember you when you were just a pair of legs. Feels like a lifetime ago!

Legs Akimbo said...
