Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sales talk

I know times are hard. Even elton john is down to his last £175m, poor chap. If he loses much more he might have to get his hands dirty with some sort of publicity stunt. He could always send His Partner David Furnish out to the stables I suppose (speaking of which, I discovered today that peter Andre's album is due out next month. Hmmm).

Alternatively, he could pimp himself out to some completely inappropriate ad campaign. After all, most of his generation is at it. We've got iggy pop flogging car insurance - I'm sure he's a nice enough guy but there is the tiny matter of his years of drug abuse, self harm and general batshit craziness. All very rock n roll but would you ever get in a car with him? Hell no.

Then there's johnny rotten, the legendary sex pistol... currently starring in tv commercials for butter here in the uk. Very anarchic, johnny, well done. Again, nothing against him personally but the closest to food I can imagine him being anywhere near is the roached end of a camberwell carrot (one for the withnail fans).

What next? Pete doherty as the face of pampers? Amy winehouse peddling slimfast? Who's coming up with all these ideas anyway? The recession really does have a lot to answer for.


almostwitty.com said...

I'm reasonably sure that the pension pot for all these celebs has somewhat declined in value hence the sudden hawking out... and people going back on the road...

Rob said...

If it gets any worse we may even have to endure posh spice starting a singing career.



I happened to glance at a celeb trash mag (closer or something like that) and Peter Andre was on the cover moaning about "My Hell". I felt so sorry for him in his (her) multi-million pound mansion, being required to service a glamour model (or not if the mags are to be believed). It almost brought a tear to my eye. Almost

zuzula said...

AW - of course! I wondered what all these 80s bands were up to...

Rob - yes, that must have been very difficult to endure ;) love the way she broke her own request for privacy within about 10 minutes of making it. The woman has absolutely no class.

Christopher D. Bate said...

Ah, those cringeworthy celebrity sell outs.