Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The big name change

I am quite literally in the process of splitting myself in half.

Zuzula will continue to be the journalist, the professional career woman yada yada, while Mrs MC will be the wife, the friend, perhaps one day the mother.

The difficulty is deciding which bits of my online life are my own, and which belong to work. Facebook I consider to be private, so there I have become Mrs MC. Twitter is a tricky because, while I don't strictly use it for work, people do follow me on it as a result of work.

And then there's the plethora of personal email accounts... Should gmail be for work and hotmail for friends, or vice versa?

I'm not looking forward to changing my bank account either. I've already had to cancel my ATM card once this week because of fraud, i don't think they will be very pleased when I tell them I need yet another new card in my new name.

It's all very confusing.

In other news a friend and I have started podcasting! It's such fun, we really love it. It's very early days and we're after as much feedback as we can get so drop me an email if you fancy lending me your ears.....

3 comments: said...

I'd keep with Zuzula for most things because most people you're going to meet via work and being a professional career woman. And if you've already established an ID as Zuzula, then it makes sense to keep going.

Steven Moffat's wife, Sue Vertue, actually took his surname when they got married but kept Vertue for all professional/networking things. Although Moffat's said that he still thinks of her as Vertue...

zuzula said...

that's interesting, i recognize her name - is she a producer?

Grace said...

Oooo... I'd love to hear your podcast!