Monday, July 14, 2008


I have been having an internalised strop of epic proportions all day. It started badly, when despite my best attempts to get into work early, I found myself spending half an hour wildly trying on outfits and then discarding them again, wondering who had replaced my carefully coordinated capsule wardrobe with a random heap of rags.

Once I finally got into the office, I tried and failed to explain a particular intricacy of Web 2.0 to a colleague of mine, who's further up the food chain than me, only for her to tell me proudly that she didn't know what I was talking about and why should she; because after all she's never even watched a DVD before. Yes, my jaw hit the floor too.... and so did my carefully crafted feature.

I also want to book a holiday but I can't take any time off because everybody has snaffled up the summer months; we are only ever supposed to have two people off the rota at any one time which would be fair enough if it were to actually work that way in practice. Interestingly the person who organizes the thing doesn't seem that bothered about how many staff are off at the same time as her. I notice there is one day when I am in charge of exactly half the office with a full deadline to manage. I am tempted to take us all down to the pub and see what emerges at the end of it.

And finally... I'm out of cash. Fortunately payday is looming large but I spent my slush fund on getting the Angry Cervix calmed down. A necessary evil I'm afraid. It is now three weeks since the NHS promised to send me details of an appointment supposed to take place within the next 28 days. For all they know I could be dead by now.

Tomorrow will be a better day I'm sure.


Lucy said...

*hugs* said...


One does wonder, when we get to be curmungeonly technophobic senior editors circa 2030 what we can say that will outrage the young upstarts of 2035... "I've never seen a holographic projection before, and I'm not going to start now, m'laddie"

george said...

OhAh, sometimes it is just better to go back to bed....As for holidaying in the summer, why not holiday in the winter and go to the warmer parts of the world? You know what I am talking about, come down south for a holiday, we'll take care of you and you can have all the sun, sand and surf that you want. xx

Peas on Toast said...

Aggggh, these days always make one wonder why we got out of bed. I had one of these yesterday my dear friend. And it's funny how it all starts with an early-morning wardrobe crisis. Always. Once that happens, it - without fail - goes down from there.

Lots of hugs and DVDs to you :) xxx
PS: She's never watched a DVD? Has she been living under the Earth's crust??

zuzula said...

thanks folks - feeling a lot more chipper today!

hugs to you too dearest confuddled :)

AW - I guess so... i had to be dragged screaming into facebook not so long ago...

SF - ah yes. i really must. funnily enough i had an email from an old school friend the other day who is now living in perth! i need a sabbatical down under...

Peas - she's in the home counties. so practically, yes! I desperately need to do some shopping....