Thursday, December 20, 2007

leth talk about thecth

Last night I met up with a delightfully filthy friend from out of town. Over jugs of cocktails rather appropriately named after the seven deadly sins we talked about sex for three hours, at which point FF had to catch a train back from whence he came. FF is recently single and attracting all sorts of interesting females. The current squeeze apparently likes to talk dirty. Which would be fantastic were it not for two minor details: a) she has a lisp and b) she likes to use the word pussy rather a lot. I am still laughing about this.


fake adult said...

that's pushy

george said...

That's fucking hilarious, I've been laughing trying not to disturb the neighbors. It's like a Monty Python scene, too funny! Has he given some thought to gaffa tape?

The Blonde Blogshell said...


zuzula said...

it's too good isn't it?!

SheBee said...

I told my mates about this in my drunken state the other night.

Came back for another laugh now.

*wipes tears from eyes*