Monday, May 19, 2008


I have just had to give a radio interview about the joys of HDTV. I tried to get out of it, on the grounds that I could write on the tip of an eyelash what I know about the damned thing. But for the purposes of this particular show they didn't mind, and so for one day only I am their official expert. Isn't it funny how these things work behind the scenes? Perhaps I should listen a little less carefully to what i hear on the wireless in future. Shamelessly though, I rather enjoyed the experience - so if anybody wants an interview on anything at all, get in touch. I am officially a media whore. Next thing I know, I'll be applying to go on Big Brother... possibly around the same time that Hell freezes over. I can't believe that's coming round again. Is there seriously anybody left in the country that actually wants to go on that show?

In other news, MC and I moved our first carload of stuff into our new home on Saturday. Books, candles and pot pourri (me) - cult action figures, comics and movie posters (him). It really is going to be an apartment of two halves...


fake adult said...

Our BB was hauled out again a few weeks ago and features a belly-dancing dwarf, a Loch Ness/ufo nut, a virgin boy with a very high-pitched voice, a Paris-on-a-budget and they also threw in Corey Worthington, that 16-year-old whose party was gatecrashed by hundreds. One can only pray for an extremely well-targeted asteroid impact, and soon.

How exciting about your nesting!

george said...

The contestants were so bad that I had to immediately text 'Tiny Tony' and ask him to check them all out on the magic box. God knows where they found them.

Have fun setting up your new home, sounds a treat. Movie Posters sound incredibly exciting I have to say Zu,there was a sale of vintage movie posters the other week in Sydney that I read about. I would have loved to go along, unfortunately work was calling.

Peas on Toast said...

Ha ha ha, funny enough Zu a mate and I were talking about this the other day.

He was saying that it's with some trepidation that his girlfriend moves in, as she's going to 'feminise' his bachelor pad. I said I'm just darn lucky to be moving in by myself as I can put all the feminine crap around my apartment with no whining or action figures. Well done to both of you, a new chapter indeed! xx

zuzula said...

FA - oh my god. car crash tv for sure. how can i get it?!

Silverfox - MC is a movie buff extraordinaire. I think the majority of his possessions consist of DVDs and film paraphernalia. I, on the other hand, still list Disney's version of Aladdin among my all time favourite films! it's gonna be an education...

Peas - I am secretly quite jealous. We have a spare room which I think is going to end up being some kind of geek room. But i was thinking the other day about how marvellous it would be as a walk in closet, filled with clothing rails and shoes..... when MC's back is turned maybe!