Tuesday, May 6, 2008

tit for tat

I'm slowly learning how to compromise.

Case study one: The Boy watches Atonement (beautifully shot, multi-layered narrative about love and loss and misunderstandings) with me - and I in turn watch Iron Man (chap in metallic suit blows shit up).

Case study two: I buy a big pub lunch for The Boy's parents - and two weeks later he attends the Essex branch of the Zuzula clan's family party (which was a bit like the Ritz, only with a lot more booze thank God).

Case study three: We have found a flat. Oh yes. I am actually on the verge of living in sin. It may not be for the first time but I have every hope that it will be for the last. This boy is for keeps, all being well. Anyway. We're moving at the end of the month and the compromising is going to be endless. Should the spare room be a bedroom or a geek room? Should the posters in the hallway be Marilyn Monroe and Rothko or 30 Days of NIght and V for Vendetta?

But... and here's something weird, especially for a shamelessly material girl like me. I don't really mind. I would live with MC in a cardboard box surrounded by cheese (my food nemesis) if it came to it. Only don't tell him that. Because the Monroe portrait really does deserve pride of place...


almostwitty.com said...

With Case Study 1 - I wager it's a lot easier for you to watch a man with goatee blowing crap up while making sarcastic asides, than for The Boy to watch people having emotional distress in front of him.

So he made the greater sacrifice for you. I wouldn't watch Atonement in a gazillion years... too depressing probably!

The Blonde Blogshell said...

Great post!!!!

Tot tat is great, but there are still some things my man (we too live in sin -oooh la la) and I will not compromise on. Would you believe that it's milk?? Of all things...I like fat free skim milk and he likes 2% low fat milk.
Sad but true.

zuzula said...

tot tat - great name!

Wow - I hadn't even thought about food. I'm a skimmed milk gal too - and light margerine! oh dear...