Thursday, November 15, 2007


I was definitely not quite right yesterday, post head-bang. I forgot where I'd parked my car (hell, I even forgot that I'd actually driven into work) and had to keep re-reading stuff because I would literally forget it two seconds later (in my defence it was boring stuff). I feel a lot better today though. Head and neck still stiff but am far more with it.

Am not enjoying work at the moment. The editor is going through one of his will-not-let-go-of-a-story-even-though-it's-blatantly-dead-in-the-water moods. It is driving us all to drink.


Grace said...

Hope your feeling better soon and ice-skating and drink never ever mixes well lol

Mother said...

Surely he's not driving you to drink, just making sure there's always a taxi on standby to your usual :)

Gretta James said...

Are you sure it's him that's driving you to drink?

zuzula said...

Grace - you're right, a lesson well learned!

Mkononi - lol ;)

Gretta - ummm.... yes

fake adult said...

Re previous post: glad you made up. And women readers of this blog: if any man ever throws you against the wall, don't begin planning leaving. Leave. Call the police and leave. It's easy to start thinking that part of the blame in being the victim of domestic violence is you. You're not to blame. (Sorry, had to get that out, having closely watched some I love the most go through some harrowing experiences.)

Zu: get your editor drunk and take him ice-skating ;)

Peas on Toast said...

Ah nothing like flogging a dead horse - my boss is the same.

Hope you feel better hon!

zuzula said...

FA - splendid idea (and yes, you're so right. it's not a good place to be)

Peas - doesn't it drive you INSANE?! I am running out of different ways of saying the same thing...