Thursday, August 14, 2008

cloud nine

Okay, no announcement this time! The last few days have been lost in a vat of champagne and cake and congratulations and more champagne and more cake... you get the picture. Am slowly realising that while getting engaged may be lucrative on the free drinks front, it is going to be a nightmare on the actual wedding fund front. Fortunately for me I have met someone recently who seems to think I could make my millions as a voiceover artist. It is fair to say that a lifetime of whisky and cigarettes (well probably about 10 years in adult life) have given me sufficient vocal chord damage to leave me on the Madge Bishop end of the audio spectrum. 'The great thing about your voice is that, without looking at you, you could be either in your 20s or mid 40s' chirped my new fan. Talk about a back handed compliment.

Anyhow next week I have a session in a studio with a lovely radio producer chum and I have lined up a talent scout from *big talent agency* to have a listen. It does help when said vocal admirer is a senior TV exec I suppose. But still. Paid for reading aloud? I'm not sure...


astarael said...

I nearly got voiceover work here in TO but that was before I walked out on my more 'entertainment' job. Not as exciting but they do pay me to build IKEA stuff and model bra's here :) hurrah.

The Divine Miss M said...

Dude that would be a WICKED job!

But I want to know about the Production and Presenting work. Tell me about that!

zuzula said...

astarael - no way, really? we should double up ;)

divine ms m - more details when i have them! i start in 3 weeks :)

Unknown said...

belated congratulations on all your good news zu. proof that once in a while good things happen to good people. nicely done

zuzula said...

aww thank you! my feet haven' really touched the ground yet. this kind of stuff just *doesn't* happen to me!