Tuesday, March 16, 2010

All clear and the patter of little feet

The lump on my thyroid was benign. I feel like the luckiest lady in London. Life is fantastic. Weirdly this also means that, strictly speaking, I have just had my first bit of cosmetic surgery as it now turns out that the lump could have remained after all.

Not the most glamorous of beginnings and I can't say I feel the need to repeat the experience in a hurry. Which I guess rules out a career as a footballer's wife. Damn.

Anyway it means the end of the whole sorry chapter. Of course now I'm cursing the fact that I got so upset about the lump in the first place but seven months of wondering on a daily basis whether one has cancer is not conducive to sanity.

I haven't really had a chance to digest any of it yet however because for the last 48 hours I have been surrounded by toddlers. Two adorable little girls under the age of 3 took over my entire world.

Yesterday I had imaginary tea parties with my little niece. Within an hour most of her toy collection was spread all over the lounge floor and she wanted to get out her 48-piece wooden train set.

Today I played My Little Pony (I had no idea they still existed) with my friend's 2 year old in a coffee shop in Hampstead Heath while she guzzled ridiculously overpriced apple juice and taught me about Peppa Pig.

It was exhausting and, at times, relentless. But I was still putty in their hands every time they flashed me one of those million dollar toddler smiles.

Broody, moi?


almostwitty.com said...

Happens to us all - the other half's 12-year-old niece is the fabbest person ever.

Her 6-year-old sister, on the other hand, is a tearaway toddler who litearlly screams for 30 minutes because she doesn't get a peanut butter sandwich...

almostwitty.com said...

Oh, and glad to hear it's all benign!

zuzula said...

thank you! yes am hugely relieved.

Little people are amazing aren't they...

rozzibee said...

Remember me?

I used to be Temporal Toothfairy?

I still read your blog! I'm so relieved that the lump was benign. I haven't been so lucky and was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. I'm blogging again, but about that this time www.lifewithlymphoma.wordpress.com


zuzula said...

Oh my goodness - of course i remember you my dear!

I have been away from blogsville for too long - I'm so sorry to hear you are poorly. Will check out your blog right now.