Sunday, September 14, 2008

long lazy sunday

I've just come back from the local park fete. It was full of identikit yummy mummies cooing over organic lavender water and the like while their offspring clamoured to have their faces painted. Maybe I'm more of a city chick than I like to believe but these kind of events leave me cold. I don't want to join the residents association. I don't want to sign up to the local church and I really don't want to add my name to a petition for speed cameras every 3 metres along the road. I just want to, well, live here. I realise how mean-spirited that sounds, but I can't help it. I'm just not ready to join the local stitch n bitch club yet.

Anyway now I'm at a loose end and feeling even more petulant. I'm very bad at just chilling out - watching tv or reading a book for an hour. I'm so used to having a million things to do, and I always think I crave time out, but then, when I get it, I just don't know what to do with myself.

Sigh. What do you do to relax?

12 comments: said...

I've had that conflicted feeling for the last .... two weeks?

zuzula said...

It's really annoying isn't it? How are you dealing with it?

The Divine Miss M said...

I go climbing :)

When I'm on the wall I'm thinking about nothing else except the moves to get me to the top.

Best way to destress!

Mother said...

Yoga :)

And don't worry about ignoring all this shit - I've been living in hicksville for 3 years and barely know anyone in the local area except my direct neighbours - all the local scandal and gossip totally passes me by

zuzula said...

divine ms m - ooh, climbing! good idea...

mkononi - yeah, my yoga has fallen by the wayside lately, must take that up again. Am worried that my feelings about localness don't bode well for planned migration to dorset in a couple of years!

Monte Cristo said...

MC looks nervously at Swannage on the map and wonders if beautful sea air, friendly locals and lack of violence/dog shit will be enough to tempt zuzula away from the glorious choked metropolis that is london.

Nuff respect y'all.

fake adult said...

i edit my thesis in my spare time. oh god.

btw, i applied and got a new job; from feb 1 i'm gonna make meself an academiac. goodbye real world, hello elbow patches and an ever-expanding arse!

george said...

I kind of get the 'Yummy Mummy' hateful thing Zu, the only thing I want to do is scream at them and whilst I've managed to not do that this far, I'm only a whisker away especially when I have to walk onto the oncoming traffic simply to get around their over-sized pram that had an SVU thrown in as an incentive to purchase the bleedin' thing. I think I have issues but won't be going to any professional for help, I am quite happy with my prejudice. Go the rage!

Mother said...

I'm moving to twice a week now as my teacher runs a class at my new gym. Buff by Xmas I reckon :)

zuzula said...

MC - honey I'll be on the summer fireworks committee before you can say candyfloss ;)

FA - cool, congrats! yay for lecturer chic. will the crotchless panties outfit make a reappearance?

Silverfox - god, yes, that drives me mad. As does walking past the mums army on the way to work every morning. They will NOT get out of your way - it's worse than the metro in rush hour!

Mkononi - blimey. i'm impressed!

Peas on Toast said...

Ah Zu, your brain is probably going round and round and round with all sorts of work stuff, trying to figure out the ropes. It's ok not being able to chill. I'm particularly bad with that myself. xx

Mrs Pop said...

I'm with Peas on Toast... I think part of your restlessness or "loose end" right now, based solely on what I've read here, has to do with the MAJOR CHANGES that have happened in your life recently. All of them great changes, but all of them are life-altering as well. Relaxing isn't really in the cards right now. ;)

That being said, I was like you not too terribly long ago. Completely unimpressed with the "Mommy" groups and other outings. It's really only been in the past year or two (mind you, my child is almost 5) that some of that stuff is appealing to me.

But you will NEVER find me in a group whose sole purpose is to bitch about their lives, husbands, kids, etc. There is nothing appealing in that!