Thursday, September 18, 2008

red tape

So, tomorrow I am going to make my first film. It's for the web and if I have my way it will only be 2 minutes long. I want to film this thing in the same place where we film the tv show - ie in the tv studio. Easy, non?

Non indeed. First, I need a film permit. A film permit to film inside a tv studio. Pardon me, but what else would I possibly want to do in there except film stuff? Isn't that kind of the entire point of a studio in the first place? But fine, I grit my teeth and fill in the form.

Next, the risk assessment. What could possibly go wrong during this 2 minute studio shoot and what am I going to do about it? There's a tick list. Is there a possibility that there will be a lack of oxygen? Venomous bites? Or, perhaps my favourite, bad communication from management? (Par for the course surely). Wtf. I find myself writing something about promising to ensure there aren't any cables lying around and wishing I'd never decided to do the stupid film in the first place.

Then, there's the cameraman. Are his lamps safety tested? I really am losing the will to live. I think I might just write something instead of filming it. At least I wouldn't have to risk assess my biro and notebook... Yet.


Mother said...

Just don't forget to save the risk assesment form with all teh right answers and you never have to do it again :)

Unknown said...

Red tape...grrr
Funny though. Who would've thought that you'd need a permit for a studio. said...

Don't be so sure. I've made an enemy of a PR person with two sentences...

The Blonde Blogshell said...

Bahahahha -that is hilarious...a permit to film in a studio? WTF!
Gotta love it...would love to know what law suits they encountered for this to be put into place! Dude!

PS> How are the wedding plans coming on?

Peas on Toast said...

Wow, I had no idea of the extend of bureaucracy when it comes to filming something in what appears to be a quarantined-off studio.

Shit, this might take some getting used to - I mean wtf?

po said...

hi, well, you never know when a venomous biter will just jump out at you from behind the spotlight.

Is your film about snakes persay?