Wednesday, April 23, 2008

more flat horror

Last night I swear I saw a mouse run underneath the fridge at home. I live on the top floor. How on earth did he get up there? The stairs practically kill me and my legs must be at least 50 times the size of his.

Argh. The sooner MC and I get our acts together and start proactively flathunting, the better.

5 comments: said...

Are you saying the mouse is fitter than you? ;)

Grace said...

Get one of those leccy devices you just plug in... works a treat :-)

The Blonde Blogshell said...

aaaahhh!! That would be me on the couch, coffee table...anything to elevate myself!
how horrid!!!

fake adult said...

...and let's hope it's mouse and not a rat. The ones at work grow to size of cats and have no fear of humans. Not that I've seen one inside yet but it's only a matter of time. Who knows, we could boost enrollments with them.

Then there's the possum inside our roof that wakes us up with a pre-enactment of the rapture at 4am. Some guy has come and tried to catch it and there's a trap for it in the front yard which isn't inside our roof which might explain the lack of success to date.

Good luck with the flat hunt! What's the plan?

zuzula said...

AW - it's not that difficult to be fitter than me!

Grace - the landlord is sending traps... eek

BB - horrific! I am trying to convince myself that it was all in my mind...

FA - yikes. your possum catcher sounds about as useful as my landlord! MC and I have just found a flat! it'll be my next post....